Many patients feel comfortable after a short nap while wearing protective eye shields. For the first few days after LASIK, it is recommended that patients wear these plastic eye shields while sleeping to prevent any unconscious eye-rubbing. It’s important not to rub your eyes during the early healing stage.

After the LASIK procedure, many patients are surprised at how quickly their eyesight returns. Recovery tends to be fast, with most patients returning completely to their daily routine within a week of surgery.

However, follow-up care is as important as the procedure itself. Post-LASIK care ensures proper healing and comfort. Use the tips below to stay on track and receive the most out of your LASIK surgery experience.

Schedule Follow-Up Appointments: Be sure to schedule all follow-up appointments with your eye doctor for the first three months after your LASIK procedure. Annual eye exams will still be necessary following laser vision correction to ensure the continued health of your eyes.
Follow Your Doctor’s Directions: Follow-up visits with your primary eye doctor are critical and allow for individualized changes according to your healing response. Another resource to help with the healing period is our guide for post-operative LASIK care.